Thing 14

Online Productivity Tools

I set up a start page on both igoogle and My Yahoo, and I can't decide which I like best. I looked at PageFlakes and wasn't too excited about it. I think I like My Yahoo best, but igoogle seems faster. I was happy to find a really nice "My Netflix" App for My Yahoo. For igoogle, I could only find an RSS feed that shows my Netflix queue. I tried start pages years ago, but these are much nicer!

I tried the Google Calendar and liked it, especially the printing capability. I don't think it would be very useful, though. I use the calendar in Outlook to keeping track of what's going on at work. But if there is a time when I need to print or share a calendar, I'll keep these online calendars in mind.

I liked the Remember the Milk list tool, especially since you can add it to igoogle. Again, though, I don't know if I'll use it.

Backpack looks like a project management tool I helped set up for a government agency a few years ago. They paid $60,000 for it and never used it. I think they would have been better off with Backpack.

The tool that really made me go "Wow!" was Zamzar. I have had several people come to the library with a Wordperfect or Works document that they couldn't update because the patron computers only had Word. If only I had known that converting a file could be so easy. I wonder how long it usually takes. I'll have to test it out. And how nice to be able to convert music files from .wav to .mp3, etc. Oh, yeah. This is one to remember.


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