Thing 11

Social Media

Boy, this could be a big time-stealer!

I can see the value of checking one of these sites to scan the headlines and get an idea of what people are talking about during the day. But I really don't see what's wrong with letting an editor decide what news I see. They are professionals, after all! Maybe I'm too trusting, but I think the editors of a reputable news site are going to be more balanced than the people that have nothing better to do than to spend all day on the social media sites. I do sometimes like to see comments that people leave about articles, but I think most news sites have that capability as well. Actually, if I read too many comments, I just end up irritated.

I looked at the 4 social media sites and I like Mixx the most. Digg was ok, Newsvine wouldn't load, and I thought Reddit was ugly. I read a Washington Post article and shared it with Digg because Mixx wasn't one of the options. So I had to open an account with Digg. It was pretty easy and kind of interesting to see how fast other posts scooted it down in the list.


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