Thing 8

Communication - Web 2.0 Style

I've used IM in the past - I didn't really care for it because I felt like I was on the spot. I like email because I feel like I can take my time and word my response exactly how I like without getting flustered. I can see how it could be used for reference if it could be staffed.

I have also texted - I would rather talk on the phone, though. Am I sounding old-fashioned? My mother sends me texts sometimes when she thinks I'm probably driving because she knows if she calls, I'll answer the phone instead of letting her leave a message! She's such a mom! I think that texting people with library messages is a great idea! I think people would love getting a short text saying their book is in instead of a phone call, email or snail mail. Especially since people usually have their phone with them constantly.

I have participated in many web conferences and webinars in my old non-library job. They are great for the obvious reason - they save time and money. It's much easier this way to get a group of people together from a large geographic area. The other advantage is that you can goof off (or work on something else) during the boring parts and no one will ever know!

I was very impressed with OPAL. What a huge variety of archived events! I tried a couple of the multimedia ones, but they didn't work. But I saw that there are a lot of MP3 events that you can download to listen to at your leisure. (What's that, you ask? I don't remember!). I could put one on my mp3 player and listen while I walk the dogs.


Jennifer O'Neill said...

Very well said and I agree with you on all of it!

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